Once again I wish I had an elk tag. I had an easy shot on a nice 5-point and a little 3-point was past weekend, and probably could have made stalks on 2 maybe 3 other bulls, 5-point and better - but alas I am deer hunting... I did get to see a really nice buck though. He was only about 30 yards from me when I spotted him, but he had seen me already - needless to say, our encounter was short lived. This thick aspen I am hunting is great for getting close, if I could just see them first. I also had a small 3-point still in velvet that I probably should have shot at but I wanted to get closer. When I decided to take the shot, he turned and walked away from me, never presenting another opportunity. So another stellar wildlife viewing day, but nothing to hang a tag on. I will only be able to hunt one more day - wish me luck.
Reading this always makes me want to get out in the woods again. Hopefully sooner than later!!! Keep pursuing. I'm even thinking of getting an over the counter deer tag for Jan.
Jake, I feel like a slacker. I went to post my Dove Hunt and I it still will not let me in. Here is my email and log on name. ERich
Reading this always makes me want to get out in the woods again. Hopefully sooner than later!!! Keep pursuing. I'm even thinking of getting an over the counter deer tag for Jan.
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